CATTINI SRL was born in S. Martino in Rio in 1963, near the most famous industrial poles of Carpi,
Correggio, Modena and Reggio Emilia. The two founders, Emilio and Massimo Cattini, gave birth to a
company specialized in plastics moulding. Now it's up to their daughter and sons to carry on the work.
During the years CATTINI has become a real point of reference in the field of technopolymer and
superpolymer moulding, both in terms of quality and for the technological innovations applied
throughout the production process.
From the beginning, the production is oriented towards items gained through high technical polymers
which, due to their high processing difficulties, ask for a continuous innovative choice of materials and
technology. In 1966 CATTINI was already the first European company experimenting the moulding of
short-fiber-glass reinforced Nylon (PA produced by LATI).
From 1978, CATTINI has built a department entirely dedicated to the development and construction of
moulds for plastic materials, together with the maintenance of production tooling. In that way a better
and more complete answer to customers requirements could be guaranteed.
The so structured company is able to offer a complete technological service, starting from product
engineering, going to the developing and construction of moulds and auxiliary equipments and ending
with the delivery of finished products.
In 1983 the first applications are realized, using superpolymers, such as PEEK, PAI, PES, PSU and others.
These new thermoplastics are highly performing, but they are not so successful as they deserve, because
they are often considered as too innovative, or because many potential users think they still have the same
features as traditional thermoplastics. Anyway, this experience projects CATTINI into a highly technical
market segment that will become more and more strong. The new thermoplastics will be more and more
competitive than the traditional materials which had been held for irreplaceable so far. Metals, ceramics
and other materials will be often safely replaced by superpolymers.
A special mention goes to the year 1986, as, thanks to the collaboration with the Istituto Ortopedico
Rizzoli di Bologna (the Rizzoli Orthopedic Istitute of Bologna) some plastic applications which were not
available on the market, such as the future Biopol, the very first biodegradable and biocompatible plastic
produced by I.C.I, are tested.
In the 90s the first concrete high-technopolymer productions begin. In this period, the chosen strategy on
the market let CATTINI gain the trust of their main national and international customers. Among the
experiences, note the cooperation with prestigious Formula 1 teams. The introduction of technopolymers
implies extremely innovative choices that make any applications lighter, more performing and cheaper.
Other industries have understood which high potential lies in polymers (aerospace, biomedical, electronics,
motorbike and automotive), so that many famous companies have relied on CATTINI, gaining notable
technical and economic advantages on the finished product.
Since 1996 and for the following five years, CATTINI has been given the task by DOW to make moulding
and characterisation tests on new materials (subsequently called Questra and Isoplast). Aware of the
big role played by processing technologies during the transformation of so complex polymers, CATTINI pays
due attention to the new organization technologies aimed at better manage orders. For this reason, in
2000 Cattini obtains the ISO 9001 Certification by the prestigious TUV Institute. Always environmentally
friendly, it also obtains the ISO 14001 Certification in 2008.
In 2007, during the global economic crisis, CATTINI decides to invest in refresher and training courses, so
that new management methods (Lean production, Toyota and Problem Solving), aimed at minimizing
wastage, can be adopted. Today, such methods are usually applied within many R&D studies, aimed at
doing excellence research at any stage of the service offered to customers.
In the last years, CATTINI has started several R&D projects together with the Faculty of Engineering Enzo
Ferrari of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
2013 is a turning point, as CATTINI builds a business network called Emi MAG net, together with the
companies RAIL S.p.A. and SPIN APPLICAZIONI MAGNETICHE S.r.l.. This cooperation aims at doing research
and development of plastics, in the fields of magnetic and electromagnetic applications.
Reaching 50 years of activity is another important goal, for which CATTINI wish to thank all its partners
and suppliers that helped it, during the years, to reach prestigious goals and supporting it in the difficulties.
A special thanks goes to the customers that have always encouraged CATTINI, showing it a special
attention, so that to deserve our tribute to become the best clients in the world.
Now we must look at the future with renewed confidence, sure that our investments in terms of
technological innovation, care for details and high attention to the service customization, will allow CATTINI
to acquire precious collaborations and remain a reference point in its domain.